Thursday, April 27, 2017

With The LORD There Is Mercy And Fullness Of Redemption

"Out of the depths I cry to YOU, O YAHWEH,
O YAHWEH, hear my voice!
Let YOUR ears pay attention
to the voice of my supplication.

If YOU should mark our evil,
O YAHWEH, who could stand?
But with YOU, is forgiveness,
and for that, YOU are revered.

I waited for YAHWEH, my soul waits;
and I put my hope in HIS word.
My soul expects YAHWEH
more than watchmen, the dawn.

O Israel, hope in YAHWEH,
for with HIM, is unfailing love
and with HIM full deliverance.
HE will deliver Israel
from all its sins.
- Psalm 130:1-8

(The psalmist, aware of his people's faithfulness, is equally sure of GOD's answer to repentance [cf. Nehemiah 1:7-9].  Israel was still waiting, when Simeon took the child in his arms and said: 'My eyes have seen your salvation [Luke 2:30].  He held the infant Son of Man, who came to give HIS life for the redemption of many [Mark 10:45] - with the LORD, fullness of redemption.'  But since this has come, how can we Christians still await it?  How can we sing the psalm?  Because, though called, we are not yet chosen, though heirs, we do not yet enjoy the inheritance.  Out of these depths, our call must be constant and, if it is constant, it may be confident also.  And there are some whose waiting is a purifying fire.  This, more than any other, is their psalm.)  

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