Wednesday, April 12, 2017

He Believed

"If GOD promised Abraham, or rather his descendants, that the world would belong to him, this was not because of his obeying the law, but because he was just, and a friend of GOD, through faith.  If, now, the promise is kept for those who rely on the law, then faith has no power, and nothing is left of the promise.  For it is proper of the law, to bring punishment, and it is only when there is no law, that it is possible to live without breaking the law. 
For that reason, faith is the way, and all is given, by grace; and the promises of Abraham are fulfilled for all his descendants, not only for his children according to the law, but, also, for all the others, who have believed.
Abraham is the father of all of us, as it is written: I will make you the father of many nations.  He is our father, in the eyes of HIM, who gives life to the dead, and calls into existence, what does not yet exist, for this is the GOD in whom he believed. 
Abraham believed, and hoped against all expectation, thus, becoming the father of many nations, as he had been told: See how many will be your descendants.  He did not doubt, although his body could no longer give life - he was about a hundred years old - and, in spite of his wife, Sarah, being unable to have children.  He did not doubt, nor did he distrust the promise of GOD, and, by being strong in faith, he gave glory to GOD: he was convinced, that, HE who had given the promise, had power to fulfill it.
This was taken into account, for him to attain righteousness." - Romans 4:13-22 
(Faith has no power.  Here Paul points out something that many times we fail to see.  To believe in GOD who rewards good and obedience to HIS laws is already faith [Hebrew 11:6].  This faith, however, consisting in respect and awareness of justice remains very far from Abraham's confidence in GOD's promise.  Faith is found in every religion, but for Christians faith is everything.

He did not doubt although his body could no longer give life.  Abraham had a faith similar to the Christian who believes in the resurrection of CHRIST.  We also are asked to believe in a GOD who gives life and for whom nothing is impossible.)


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