Tuesday, April 11, 2017

GOD Proves HIS Love For Us

"By faith, we have received true righteousness, and we are at peace with GOD, through JESUS CHRIST, our LORD.  Through HIM, we obtain this favor, in which we remain, and we even boast to expect the glory of GOD.

Not only that, we also boast even in trials, knowing that trials produce patience, from patience comes merit; merit is the source of hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because the Holy Spirit has been given to us, pouring into our hearts the love of GOD.

Consider, moreover, the time that CHRIST died for us: when we were still helpless and unable to do anything.  Few would accept to die for an upright person; although, for a very good person, perhaps someone would dare to die.  But see how GOD manifested HIS love for us: while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us." - Romans 5:1-8

(In this paragraph, Paul shares his own experience to help us discover changes in our life from the moment we have gone beyond the law or, for us: beyond any religion.

To begin with there is a feeling of peace: we are at peace with GOD.  Perhaps we felt well before, with no sin and no debt.  The peace we now discover reveals our former emptiness: being alien to GOD, we were alien to a part of ourselves.  It is only now that we are conscious of it, and what do we believe?  We believe in the personal love of GOD for us and we see it in JESUS' death and resurrection.

Through HIM we obtain this favor in which we remain.  It is not necessary for us to "sense" it to be in this state and it would be a mistake to search for a group where we could be "sensitively" aware of GOD.  That is a form of self-satisfaction, and such is not the way of GOD's true friends.  It is not a matter of seeing or feeling but of believing what GOD does.  Yet there are thousands of instances when we are conscious of this presence of GOD in us.  Paul, who, battled so much for CHRIST, says that it is in trials that we can discover the power of CHRIST working in us and making us mature [2 Corinthians 12:9].

And we even boast to expect the glory of GOD.  The great Christian hope, unknown to those who have not met CHRIST is the certitude of a destiny surpassing all that could be imagined, hoped for, experienced by the greatest sages and mystics of all religions: total communion with GOD HIMSELF.

Hope does not disappoint us.  In contrast to the people of the Old Testament, who remained always in what was temporary or provisional while waiting for ultimate truth and justice, the Christian already experiences what we will one day fully enjoy.  Something of that flavor or fragrance of the divinity has been poured into our hearts and that is the peace that GOD grants us when HIS Spirit comes to us.

CHRIST died for us when we were still sinners.  We are accustomed to hear about CHRIST dying for our sins, and often enough we are not touched, for HIS sacrifice seems to be far away and quite unreal.  When by the grace of GOD we understand it, love suddenly pours from our hearts.  Return love for love: this is the beginning of true conversion.)


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