Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The LORD Is Close To The Brokenhearted

"But HIS face is set against the wicked,
to destroy their memory from the earth.
YAHWEH hears the cry of the righteous
and rescues them from all their troubles.

YAHWEH is close to the brokenhearted
and saves the distraught.
Many are the troubles of the just,
but YAHWEH delivers them from all.

HE keeps all their bones intact,
and none of them will be broken
Evil will slay the wicked;
the enemies of the just will be doomed.
But YAHWEH will redeem the life of HIS servants;
none of those who trust in HIM will be doomed."
- Psalm 34:17-23

('Look toward HIM and be radiant' was John Fisher's inspiration, at the hour of his martyrdom. When he saw that the sun shone behind the scaffold, Fisher looked toward HIM who would make him radiant in the beatific vision. This is a song for martyrs: the LORD sets them free from all their terrors. It is also a song for the small martyrdoms of every day, whether volunteered or simply accepted. One may be discouraged by one's failure in past trials, weakness in those of the present, and uncertainty of one's resistance in the future. Our own weapons are always rusting and loose in our hands. The bright and effective sword is in the hand of GOD alone. There will be no ultimate defeat, not a bone broken for those who are one with the Lamb of our Passover on the Cross.

Let our experience be that of the poor and the humble.  GOD is near to those who have no other support but HIM.  When there will be no assurance, GOD will be obliged, to take charge of those to whom HE owes fidelity.)

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