Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Martyrdom Of Eleazar

Hello! and happy good Tuesday to all of us; and, it's just 38 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our today's "food for the soul":

THE GOOD NEWS (17 November 2015)
"Eleazar, one of the prominent teachers of the Law, already old and of noble appearance, was forced to open his mouth to eat the flesh of a pig.  But he preferred to die honorably than to live in disgrace, and voluntarily came to the place where they beat him to death.  He spit out bravely the piece of meat, as should be done by those who do not want to do things prohibited by the Law, even to save their life.
Above all, showing respect for the holy laws established by GOD, he answered that he would rather be sent to the place of the dead.  And he added, 'It would be unworthy to pretend at our age, and to lead many young people to suppose that I, at ninety years, have gone over to the pagan customs.  If I led them astray for the sake of this short life I would bring disgrace to my old age.  Even if I could now be saved from men, I cannot - whether living or dead - escape from the hands of the Almighty.  I prefer to bravely sacrifice my life now, as befits my old age.  So I shall leave an excellent example to the young, dying voluntarily and valiantly for the sacred and holy laws.'
When he was almost at the point of death, he said groaning, 'The Holy Lord, who sees all, knows that though I could have saved myself from death, I now endure terrible sufferings in my body.  But in my soul, I suffer gladly because of the respect I have for HIM.'  In his death, he left a noble example and a memorial of virtue and strength, not only to the young but to the whole nation." - 2 Maccabees 6:18-20, 23-28, 30-31

(How noble are Eleazar's words:  he does not want to hide his faith; he prefers honor to life; above all he fears GOD; to die out of faithfulness to divine laws sets a noble example for young people; and Eleazar suffers physically, but he dies happy.  We have in him the prototype, the model of martyrs.)

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