Monday, November 02, 2015

The Just Will Live With GOD

Hi! and good remembering All Souls Day to all of us; and, it's just 53 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our today's "food for the soul":
THE GOOD NEWS (02 November 2015)
"The souls of the just are in the hands of GOD and no torment shall touch them. 
In the eyes of the unwise they appear to be dead.  Their going is held as a disaster; it seems that they lose everything by departing from us, but they are in peace.
Though seemingly they  have been punished, immortality was the soul of their hope.  After slight affliction will come great blessings, for GOD has tried them and found them worthy to be with HIM; after testing them as gold in the furnace, HE has accepted them as a holocaust." - Wisdom 3:1-
(The souls of the just are in the hands of GOD.  This is the great revelation in this book.  In the previous books of the Bible, the soul only means the breath of a person, that is to say, the life in him which disappears at death.  Now, the soul means the person who does not die when the body does.
Their going is held as a disaster.  Whether the just die in the hands of violent people, or naturally die as we all do, the end of their lives seems to contradict GOD's goodness.  It is a scandal that death can overcome the just.  [We know that the just are those who fulfill the hopes that GOD placed in them.]  It is only the body which dies.  They are alive before GOD as JESUS will also state.
But they are in peace.  They will forever enjoy what they hoped for here on earth.  That is to say, we only see one side of death:  we shall never know how everyone experienced his departure, even less how he awakened in GOD's world.)

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