Saturday, November 21, 2015

GOD, Refuge Of The Oppressed

Hello! and happy good Saturday to all of us; and, it's just 34 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  For today's "daily bread":

THE GOOD NEWS (21 November 2015)
"The pagans have sunk into the pit they have dug, their own feet ensnared by the trap they laid.
The LORD has shown HIS presence, HE has judged and the wicked plotters have been trapped by the work of their hands.
To the netherworld the wicked will depart, all the nations that have no thought of GOD.
The Death of King Antiochus Epiphanes, The Godless (Persia, 163 B.C.)
For the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor perish forever.
Rise, O LORD!  Do not let mortals prevail; let the nations stand on trial before you.
Bring terror, O LORD, strike at them; let these pagans realize that they are but humans.- Psalm 9:16-21

(Psalms 9 and 10 of the Hebrew text are only two halves of the Greek or Latin Bible text.  This causes the disarrangement in the numbering of the psalms which begins here.  Psalm 9 denounces the enemies of Israel.  Psalm 10 denounces the wicked within the community.  Those who exploit the widow and the orphan, the foreigner and the traveler, are in fact the enemies of GOD.)

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