Saturday, November 07, 2015

A Warning!

Hi! and happy Saturday to all of us; and, it's just 48 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Today's "food for the soul":

THE GOOD NEWS (07 November 2013)
"Brothers and sisters, I beg of you to be careful of those who are causing divisions and troubles in teaching you a different teaching from the one you were taught.  Keep away from them, because those persons do not serve CHRIST our LORD, but their own interests, deceiving with their soft and entertaining language those who are simple of heart.  Everybody knows that you are very obedient, and because of that I am happy, but I want you to be sensible in doing good and firm against evil.  The GOD of peace will soon crush Satan and place him under your feet.  
May CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, bless you." - Romans 16:17-20   
(Brothers and sisters, I beg of you to be careful.  There is no letter of Paul without this warning against divisions and against those who preach a "different Gospel".  The doctrine of the Church is the doctrine of the apostles, the witnesses of JESUS.  There is a hierarchy, that is, a legally constituted authority, and Paul demands obedience in matters of faith.)

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