Monday, November 23, 2015

Daniel's Prayer

Hello! and happy good first day of the week to all of us; and, it's just 32 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (23 November 2015)
"Blessed are you LORD, GOD of our fathers, be praised and exalted for ever.
Daniel In The Lions' Den
Blessed is YOUR holy and glorious name, celebrated and exalted for ever.
Blessed are YOU in the temple of YOUR sacred glory, YOUR praises are sung for ever. 
Blessed are YOU on the throne of YOUR kingdom, honored and glorified for ever.
Blessed are YOU who fathom the depths, who are enthroned on the cherubim, praised and exalted for ever.
Blessed are YOU in the firmament of heaven, praised and glorified for ever. - Daniel 3:52-56

(Daniel's prayer teaches the persecuted Jews what they must say to GOD.  "LORD remember your promises and forget our sins.  Have compassion on YOUR humiliated people and come to save us.")

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