Saturday, September 26, 2015

Who Is The Greatest?

Hi! and happy Saturday to all of us; and, it's just 90 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Today's "daily bread":
"One day the disciples were arguing about which of them was the most important.  But JESUS knew their thoughts, so HE took a little child and stood him by HIS side.  Then HE said to them, 'Whoever welcomes this little child in MY name welcomes  ME; and whoever welcomes ME, welcomes the ONE who sent ME.  And listen:  the one who is found to be the least among you all, is the one who is the greatest'." - Luke 9:46-48

(The Gospel of Mark remarks that JESUS took a child in HIS armssomething unusual for people of that time since children did not count, and religious teachers only urged that they be well disciplined.  The model of religion seemed to be a serious man who did not laugh, did not run, did not look at people in lower positions, especially women and children.  Oftentimes, such a mentality is seen in those who criticize child baptism and first communion.
JESUS does not answer the apostles' question:  Who is the greatest?  Because what matters is not to become great, but to be close to CHRIST.  In order to receive CHRIST, we must welcome HIM in the person of the little ones.)


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