Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Song Of Tobit

Hi! and happy mid-week to all of us; and, it's just 93 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Today's "food for the soul":
THE GOOD NEWS (23 September 2015)
"It is HE who punishes and HE who has mercy; who makes people go down to hell and rise up again.
No one can escape HIS hand.
Give HIM thanks, sons of Israel, before all the nations.
Though HE has dispersed you among them HE now shows you HIS greatness.
Exalt HIM before all the living, because HE is our GOD and LORD, our FATHER forever.  HE punishes us for our wrongdoing but again HE will forgive us.  HE will bring us together again from amongst all the nations among whom we have been dispersed.
If you turn back to HIM with all your heart and soul, and live justly before HIM, then HE will turn back to you and will no longer hide HIS face from you.  See what HE has done for you and return HIM thanks aloud.  Bless the LORD who alone is just and praise the King of ages.  I, in the land of my captivity, will return HIM thanks and show HIS strength and greatness to my sinful people.
Be converted, you sinners,  and live justly before HIM, certain that HE will be pleased with you and show you mercy." - Tobit 13:2-8
(Tobit, in an ecstasy of joy, composed a prayer.)

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