Wednesday, September 16, 2015

There Is No "One" Style Of Christian Life!

Hello! and happy mid-week to all of us; and , it's just 100 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our today's "daily bread":
THE GOOD NEWS (16 September 2015)
"What comparison can I use for this people?  What are they like?  They are like children sitting in the marketplace, about whom their companions complain:  We piped you a tune and you wouldn't dance; we sang funeral songs and you wouldn't cry.
Remember John:  he didn't eat bread or drink wine, and you said:  He has an evil spirit.  Next came the Son of Man, eating and drinking, and you say:  Look, a glutton for food and wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.  But the children of Wisdom always recognize her work." - Luke 7:31-35 


(They do everything at the wrong time; they reproach John for his austerity and JESUS for HIS lack of austerity.  There is no "one" way of serving GOD; there is no "one" model of holiness, "one" style of Christian life.  GOD acts in thousands of ways throughout history, encouraging at a given time what HE will censure later in another milieu.  The alarming asceticism of hermits in the desert or that of the ancient Irish monks has been a richness for Christianity; a Christianity that appears more human has not prevented  other believers from following JESUS to the cross.  JESUS went further than John but HE needed John:  the Gospel is heard with pleasure but is not taken seriously as long as repentance and sacrifice are brushed aside.  Perhaps the renewal of our faith today is waiting for prophets and for movements that dare to question a culture and a society that has become sterile.)   


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