Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Mother Of The Believers

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us; and, it's just 101 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  As usual our "daily bread" for today:
THE GOOD NEWS (15 September 2015)
"Near the cross of JESUS stood HIS mother, HIS mother's sister Mary, who was the wife of Cleophas, and Mary of Magdala.  When JESUS saw the Mother, and the disciple whom HE loved, HE said to the Mother, 'Woman, this is your son.'  Then HE said to the disciple, 'There is your mother.'  And from that moment the disciple took her to his own home." - John 19:25-27 

(At the moment of Man's fall, Eve was with Adam.  Now, at the moment of restoration, that is, the second creation, another woman is with the Son of Man (the Human One), the second Adam.  Mary has neither spouse nor son who can receive her and, for the Jews, a woman who remains alone would be considered cursed.  JESUS entrusts Mary to John and, also, John to Mary.  John testifies having heard both phrases.  Notice that he writes:  JESUS said to the Mother, and not, to HIS mother.  This is a new symbolic gesture of JESUS.  Mary will be the Mother of believers.

Through this last deed of JESUS, the Church discovered something about the mystery of the Christian life.  The believer is a member of a spiritual family.  As a child needs a father and a mother to grow normally so, too, does the believer need Mary and the heavenly FATHER.  This is an unchanging doctrine of the Church, which in no way attempts to make the creature equal with the Creator.
Not without reason has GOD given us a mother; if it is a misfortune for a child not to have known a mother, it is also a misfortune for a believer when his religion only expresses itself in masculine terms.  The believer who welcomes Mary to his home as did John is neither a fanatic nor a quibbler regarding faith.  There exists a form of humility, joy, interior peace and simple piety characteristic of those Catholics who have known how to open their doors to Mary without throwing out their Savior.)

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