Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Parable Of The Sower

Hello! and happy Saturday to all of us; and, it's just 97 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our today's first-thing-first:
"As a great crowd gathered and people came to HIM from every town, JESUS began teaching them through stories, or parables, 'The sower went out to sow the seed.  And as he sowed, some of the grain fell along the way, was trodden on and the birds of the sky ate it up.  Some fell on rocky ground, and no sooner had it come up than it withered, because it had no water.  Some fell among thorns; the  thorns grew up with the seed and choked it.  But some fell on good soil and grew, producing fruit - a hundred times as much.'  And JESUS cried out, 'Listen then, if you have ears to hear!' 
The disciples asked HIM, 'What does this story mean?'  And JESUS answered, 'You have been granted to know the mystery of the kingdom of GOD.  But to others it is given in the form of stories, or parables, so that seeing they may not perceive and hearing they may not understand.'
Now, this is the point of the parable:  The seed is the word of GOD.  Those along the wayside are people who hear it, but immediately the devil comes and takes the word from their minds, for he doesn't want them to believe and be saved.  Those on the rocky ground are people who receive the word with joy, but they have no root; they believe for a while and give way in time of trial.  Among the thorns are people who hear the word but as they go their way, are choked by worries, riches, and the pleasures of life; they bring no fruit to maturity.  The good soil, instead, are people who receive the word and keep it in a gentle and generous mind, and persevering patiently, they bear fruit." - Luke 8:4-15
(The comparison [or parable] of the sower helps us to understand what is happening around JESUS.  Many people became very enthusiastic at the beginning, then, after a while they left.  Only a few persevered and the apostles wondered:  How will the kingdom of GOD come if no one is interested?
The Gospel records JESUS' explanation about the fields on which the seed fell.  There was a lot more to explain.  First, HIS comparing the kingdom of GOD with something that is sown must have surprised the listeners.  Throughout Sacred History, there had been abundant sowing and JESUS' contemporaries were expecting a harvest.

We, like JESUS contemporaries, want to reap, that is to enjoy the fruits of the kingdom of GOD, namely, social peace, justice and happiness.  Many wonder how it is possible that people continue to be so evil two thousand years after CHRIST.
If the kingdom of GOD has come and it is already in our midst, that does not mean we are going to enjoy its fruits.  The kingdom of GOD is where GOD rules, and GOD rules where people accept HIM for what HE is, where HE can be FATHER and where HIS sons and daughters can accept HIS plan for them.
From that moment on, people grow in a thousand ways, and social consciousness also develops.  People become aware of their dignity and their common destiny, in spite of the fact that it seems more impossible every day to reach the goal.)

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