Friday, April 19, 2024

It Is The Spirit That Gives Life, Not The Flesh

"After hearing this, many of JESUS' followers said, 'This language is very hard!  Who can accept it?'

JESUS was aware that HIS disciples were murmuring about this, and so HE said to them, 'Does this offend you?  Then how will you react when you see the Son of Man ascending to where HE was before?  It is the spirit that gives life, not the flesh.  The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.  But among you there are some who do not believe.'

From the beginning, JESUS knew who would betray HIM.  So, HE added, 'As I have told you, no one can come to ME unless it is granted by the FATHER.'

After this many disciples withdrew and no longer followed HIM.  JESUS asked the Twelve, 'Will you also go away?'  Peter answered HIM, 'LORD, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.  We now believe and know that you are the Holy One of GOD.'" - John 6:60-69 

(This language is very hard.   How could JESUS' listeners believe that HE, the "Son of Joseph," had come from GOD?  And today how can we believe that we need the Eucharist?  JESUS tells us why HE came:  The Son of GOD came down to us, so that later HE would ascend to where HE was before.  HE came from GOD to communicate to us the very life of GOD and then to bring us to the bosom of GOD [John 14.12].

It is the spirit that gives life, not the flesh.  JESUS spoke of giving us HIS flesh, but this should not be understood as a continuation of the Jewish religion, in which the meat of sacrificed animals was eaten.  In Hebrew culture, flesh and blood denote "the world below," where humankind moves and where one has no access to communication with GOD.  The Eucharist is different.  This is the body, or flesh, of the risen CHRIST transformed by the Spirit, which acts in us spiritually and brings us into communion with GOD.

LORD, to whom shall we go?  Many of JESUS' followers left but, in the name of those who remained, Peter pledged his fidelity [see also Matthew 16:13].)


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