Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Harvest Song

  "May GOD be gracious and bless us;
may HE let HIS face shine upon us;
that YOUR way be known on earth
and YOUR salvation, among the nations.

May the countries be glad and sing for joy,
for YOU rule the peoples with justice;
and guide the nations of the world.
May the peoples praise YOU, O GOD,
may all the peoples praise YOU!

May GOD bless us and be revered,
to the very ends of the earth."
Psalm 67:2-3. 5. 6. 8

(The occasion of this happy song is a successful harvest, but the psalmist can rise above selfish considerations.  The triumph of a good harvest--or industrial prosperity--should make one think of places, where the harvest fails.  GOD is the same GOD there, and man no less HIS image.  If GOD rules the whole world with justice, man must try to imitate HIM.  Ecumenism and economics are sometimes the same thing.  The blessing of the psalm takes us to the beginning of the letter to the Ephesians [Ephesians 1:3].  We can pray with this psalm, to give thanks to GOD for the goods of the earth.)

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