Tuesday, March 26, 2024

YAHWEH Called Me From My Mother's Womb

"Listen to me, O islands,
pay attention, peoples from distant lands.
YAHWEH called me from my mother's womb;
HE pronounced my name before I was born.
HE made my mouth like a sharpened sword.
HE hid me in the shadow of HIS hand.
HE made me into a polished arrow
set apart in HIS quiver.

HE said to me, 'You are Israel, MY servant,
Through you I will be known.'
'I have labored in vain, I thought
and spent my strength for nothing.'
Yet what is due me was in the hand of YAHWEH,
and my reward was with my GOD.
I am important in the sight of YAHWEH,
and my GOD is my strength.

And now YAHWEH has spoken,
HE who formed me in the womb to be HIS servant,
to bring Jacob back to HIM,
to gather Israel to HIM.
HE said: 'Tis not enough
that you be MY servant,
to restore the tribes of Jacob,
to bring back the remnant of Israel.
I will make you the light of the nations,
that MY salvation will reach to the ends of the earth'."
Isaiah 49:1-6

(Who is speaking in these verses?  They are the Judean exiles at Babylon [some years later they will be called the Jews].  And it is not a lamentation but rather a thanksgiving to GOD who has chosen them in a very special way for a unique mission.

The hope and the future of Israel have been entrusted to them, not to those remaining in the motherland.  Soon they will return and gather the remnant of the tribes of Jacob, which means not only their kins in the ex-kingdom of Judah, but also the other in the northern kingdom.

From that moment on the dream of a final gathering of the whole people of GOD enters the Bible, and Gospel will announce that this goal will be achieved through and in CHRIST: John 11:52.

But there is more, for GOD wants this small group of exiles to bring to the nations the light of salvation.  This marks the opening of the times of mission.  The Jews will be the messengers of the only GOD and of HIS law in the world.  Those who welcome CHRIST will call on the pagans to the faith and Spirit will be bestowed to them [Galatians 3:14].  A humiliated people will be YAHWEH's hidden arrow, HIS definitive weapon: through them GOD will unbare HIS madness which is wiser than human wisdom [1 Corinthians 1:21].

YAHWEH called me from my mother's womb.  These were Jeremiah's words.  All that follows can be interpreted both of the believing minority or of the one who fully lives a prophetic vocation.  Is the servant a single person, or is he a people of prophets?  The apostles of JESUS quickly understood that the present text applied first to HIM.  HE is the Word and the two-edged sword [Hebrew 4:12; Revelations 19:15].

Paul in turn will take for himself these verses: Galatians 1:14; Acts 13:47; 2 Corinthians 10:4, 12:8.  This double interpretation, personal and collective, should not surprise us for the unique Savior is never a lonely savior.  JESUS wanted to be identified with those who believe, who suffer and persevere to prepare for the salvation of the world.)


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