Sunday, March 03, 2024

"When The Law Seems Constricts Us, Faith Must Carry Us Through."

       "The law of YAHWEH is perfect:
it gives life to the soul.
The word of YAHWEH is trustworthy:
it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of YAHWEH are right:
they give joy to the heart.
The commandments of YAHWEH are clear:
they enlighten the eyes.
The fear of YAHWEH is pure,
it endures forever;
the judgments of YAHWEH are true,
all of them just and right.
They are more precious than gold--
pure gold of a jeweler;
they are much sweeter than honey
which drops from the honeycomb."
- Psalm 19:8. 9. 10. 11

(When the law seems constricts us, faith must carry us through.  When this is the case for others, charity must work in us, to help or sympathize.

We are aware of HIS presence, when we meditate on HIS commandments, which are light and joy for the soul.  This psalm is adequate to revise one's life in the presence of GOD in the Law.  JESUS in the Gospels has taught us how to pray.  If we add this psalm to our morning prayer, it will make us feel great and ready to start the day well.)


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