Friday, March 29, 2024

"HE Makes HIMSELF An Offering For Sin!"

 "Yet it was the will of YAHWEH to crush HIM with grief.
When HE makes HIMSELF an offering for sin,
HE will have a long life and see HIS descendants.
Through HIM the will of YAHWEH is done.
For the anguish HE suffered,
HE will see the light and obtain perfect knowledge.
MY just servant will justify the multitude;
HE will bear and take away their guilt."
- Isaiah 53:10-11
(HE makes HIMSELF an offering for sin.  In several passages of the Scriptures, we are invited to adopt this same attitude when we suffer unjustly [1 Peter 1:20; 4:13].  CHRIST alone has perfectly fulfilled this redemptive mission from the beginning to the end of HIS life [Hebrews 10; John 2:29; Romans 5:6].

MY just servant will justify the multitude: that is to say, HE will make them just and holy.  The Hebrew text reads "the many," which means the multitude.  JESUS refers to this text at the Last Supper: "MY blood poured out for many," or for everyone [Mark 14:24].  There JESUS clearly says that HIS death is the free and perfect sacrifice foretold in this song.)


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