Wednesday, March 27, 2024

JESUS Proclaims HIS Mission At Nazareth

"JESUS acted with the power of the Spirit, and on HIS return to Galilee the news about HIM spread throughout all that territory.  HE began teaching in the synagogues of the Jews and everyone praised HIM." - Luke 4:14-15  

(JESUS returns home in the company of some of John's followers who become HIS own disciples and HE performs HIS first sign in Cana.  This miracle launches HIS ministry.  From Capernaum, where JESUS lives in the house of Simon and Andrewnear the lake, JESUS begins to preach in the synagogues of Galilee and HIS words impress people because HE works with the power of the Spirit, namely, HE speaks with authority and HIS miracles confirm HIS words.

HE began teaching in the synagogues.  JESUS does not begin by preaching to the crowds who know nothing of HIM; instead, for months HE makes HIMSELF known in the synagogues.) 

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