Sunday, February 26, 2023

The "Right Of Ownership" Is Not Absolute

 "When you reap the harvest of your land do not reap to the extreme limits of your field or gather the gleanings after your harvest.  Do not strip your vineyard bare and do not gather the grapes that have fallen; leave them for the needy and the stranger.  I AM YAHWEH, your GOD." - Leviticus 19:9-10 

(Among so many laws which show the still primitive level of GOD's people, we marvel to find some prescriptions that teach deeply human attitudes often lacking in us.

These prescriptions, addressed to a race of small farmers, must be interpreted in order to adapt them to the circumstances of our present lives.

They teach us that the "right of ownership" is not absolute and that it never justifies oppression of the poor, nor does it excuse us from helping them.  We are ordered to care for our brothers and sisters to assure everyone what is necessary to live.)


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