Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Man The Viceroy Of GOD

 "When I observe the heavens,
the work of YOUR hands,
the moon, and the stars YOU set in their place--
what is man, that YOU be mindful of him;
the son of man, that YOU should care for him?

Yet YOU made him a little less than a god;
YOU crowned with glory and honor
and gave him the works of YOUR hands;
YOU have put all things under his feet--
sheep and oxen without number,
and even the beasts of the field,
the birds of the air, the fish of the sea,
and all that swim the paths of the ocean."
- Psalm 8:4-9

(This psalm is a lyrical reflection on the making and endowment of man: 'Let us make man in OUR own image... let him have dominion over the fish, the birds, the beasts' [Genesis 1:26].  He is little less than a god because he has a share in GOD's dominion.  He is much greater than the stars because, child though he is before the Eternal GOD, he has a voice for praise.

Wherever there is a human being, he or she is tenderly cared for by GOD.  This psalm can be sung as a celebration of human dignity and divine greatness.)

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