Thursday, February 23, 2023

Choose Life

 "See, I set before you on this day life and good, evil and death.  I command you to love YAHWEH, your GOD and follow HIS ways.  Observe HIS commandments, HIS norms and HIS laws, and you will live and increase, and YAHWEH will give you HIS blessing in the land you are going to possess.  But if your heart turns away and does not listen, if you are drawn away and bow before other gods to serve them, I declare on this day that you shall perish.  You shall not last in the land you are going to occupy on the other side of the Jordan.

Let the heavens and the earth listen, that they may be witnesses against you.  I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse.  Therefore, choose life that you and your descendants may live, loving YAHWEH, listening to HIS voice, and being one with HIM.  In this is life for you and length of days in the land which YAHWEH swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.'" - Deuteronomy 30:15-20 

(This text about the two ways is very famous, reminding us of the importance of our free decisions and GOD's respect for human freedom [see also Sirach 15:11].

Throughout Deuteronomy faithfulness to GOD is spoken of together with the remembrance of HIS promises and rewards here on earth.  This should not surprise us.  In those distant times the people of GOD had no understanding of another life nor of the resurrection and the vision of GOD after death.  They only focused on the present life and their national destiny which, in their view, were more important than the destiny of the individual.  For them, GOD's justice had to be seen on earth in the present.

Later, the Gospel will not promise lands or houses, except in a figurative way [Mark 10:28].  Prosperity will not be mentioned except for the final day when GOD will create the world anew [Acts 3:21 and Revelation 21:3].)


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