Sunday, February 19, 2023

Do Not Seek Revenge Or Nurture A Grudge Against One Of Your People, But Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

 "YAHWEH spoke to Moses and said, 'Speak to the entire assembly of the people of Israel and say to them: Be holy for I, YAHWEH, your GOD, AM holy.

Do not hate your brother in your heart; rebuke your neighbor frankly so as not to share in his guilt.  Do not seek revenge or nurture a grudge against one of your people but love your neighbor as yourself; I AM YAHWEH.'" - Leviticus 19:1-2. 17-18 

(Do not seek revenge... but love your neighbor as yourself.  Here, neighbor means the brother of the same race.  They must be loved and there must be solidarity with them because GOD embraces with the same love all those who belong to HIS people.

Such a solidarity with those of one's own nation exists in all religions but there is as well the aggression or hostility towards the foreigner.  When JESUS speaks to us of love which does not cease at the frontiers of a people [Luke 10:25; Matthew 5:43], it will not be a simple extension of the term "neighbor": it will be the discovery of another relation beyond the solidarity practiced naturally by humans as in the case with certain animals.)


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