Thursday, January 12, 2023

If Only You Would Hear GOD's Voice Today!

 "Listen to what the Holy Spirit says: If only you would hear GOD's voice today!  Do not be stubborn, as they were in the place called Rebellion, when your ancestors challenged ME in the desert, although they had seen MY deeds for forty years.  That is why I was angry with those people and said: Their hearts are always going astray, and they do not understand MY ways.  I was angry and made a solemn vow: They will never enter MY rest.

So, brothers, be careful, lest some of you come to have an evil and unbelieving heart, that falls away from the living GOD.  Encourage one another, day by day, as long as it is called today.  Let no one become hardened in the deceitful way of sin.  We are associated with CHRIST, provided we hold steadfastly to our initial hope, until the end." - Hebrews 3:7-14

(Several times this letter will recall the warning given the Hebrew pilgrims in the desert: If only you would hear GOD's voice today!  The road is long, and the believer grows tired when difficult times come, after the enthusiasm of the first days.  Supported by CHRIST's words, we must continue to hope for that which GOD promised, but which is invisible to our eyes.

The creation poem spoke of GOD's Rest after creating the world: this meant that the universe must come to a point of entering into the fullness of the mystery of GOD.  Human sorrow and work on this earth bring a person to her true end, which is "to rest" in the happiness of GOD.)


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