Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Have You Already Shed Your Blood In The Struggle Against Sin?

 "What a cloud of innumerable witnesses surrounds us?  So, let us be rid of every encumbrance, and especially of sin, to persevere in running the race marked out before us. 

Let us look to JESUS, the founder of our faith, who will bring it to completion.  For the sake of the joy reserved for HIM, HE endured the cross, scorning its shame, and then, sat at the right of the throne of GOD.  Think of JESUS, who suffered so many contradictions from evil people, and you will not be discouraged or grow weary.  Have you already shed your blood in the struggle against sin?" - Hebrews 12:1-4 

(Three reasons for remaining steadfast under testing:
- think about JESUS and HIS sufferings;
- think about "the communion of saints," that is to say, the mysterious bonds uniting all believers;
- think of the trial as a test coming from the FATHER.)

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