Saturday, January 14, 2023

Do Not Forget The Works Of The LORD!

 "... which we have heard and known, which our ancestors have told us.
We will not keep them hidden from our children; we will announce them to the coming generation: the glorious deeds of YAHWEH, HIS might and the wonders HE has done.
so, the next generation would learn, and teach their own children.
They would then, put their trust in GOD, and not forget HIS deeds and HIS commands.
And not be like their ancestors, stubborn and rebellious people, a people of inconstant heart, whose spirit was fickle."
- Psalm 78:3. 4. 6-7. 8

(The lesson of past history beats the rhythm of Israel's history.  Divine generosity, human ingratitude, correction, renewed generosity, is an enlarged picture of the individual experience.  GOD rarely showed HIS hands in such a way that people are forced to recognize it, in the events of history.  This needs a thoughtful and grateful heart.  And even then, we easily forget.  We can soon forget the urgent prayers in past crisis and the way GOD heard them.  But every day must be seen as a crisis in which GOD intervenes: 'Give us this day our daily bread!'

Sin is not the end of history; grace is!  Our history is a school of life and prayer.  It is enough to remember what we have done and what GOD does.)

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