Sunday, January 22, 2023

"HE Has An Unclean Spirit In HIM."

 "'Truly, I say to you, every sin will be forgiven humankind, even insults to GOD, however numerous.  But whoever slanders the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.  He carries the guilt of his sin forever.'

This was their sin when they said, 'HE has an unclean spirit in HIM.'" - Mark 3:28-30 

(Every sin will be forgiven humankind even insults to GOD, however numerous and Matthew adds: "And the one who speaks against the Son of Man will be forgiven" [Matthew 12:32].

Whereas the Old Testament punished blasphemous words with death in order to save GOD's honor and avoid HIS anger towards the community, the GOD whom JESUS knows is aware of how far human stupidity can go and does not feel offended by so many ridiculous or blasphemous words habitually used in our society: HE does not defend HIMSELF as do the important people of this world.

JESUS allows HIMSELF to be criticized by those who do not understand HIM.  Many Pharisees of good faith did not understand JESUS and were scandalized by HIM.  This was excusable, but it is a different thing to call evil that which is clearly good.

To slander [or: to blaspheme] the Holy Spirit is to attribute to a bad spirit a work that is manifestly good.  Those who systematically attribute bad intentions to good work done by others, by the Church, by other parties, sin against the Holy Spirit.  The one who recognizes the truth but not GOD is better off than the one who says he believes in GOD but does not recognize the truth.)


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