Friday, October 14, 2022

We Have Been Chosen And Called

 "By a decree of HIM, who disposes all things,
according to HIS own plan and decision,
we, the Jews, have been chosen and called,
and we were awaiting the Messiah,
for the praise of HIS glory.

You, on hearing the word of truth,
the gospel that saves you,
have believed in HIM.
And, as promised, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit,
the first pledge of what we shall receive,
on the way to our deliverance, as a people of GOD,
for the praise of HIS glory.
- Ephesians 1:11-14

(We have been chosen and called.  Paul speaks for himself and in the name of the Jewish people chosen to be the people of GOD.

You now...  Here Paul means the pagan people like the Ephesians, whom he is addressing.  And so, the fullness of time had come, that is to say the time of the Gospel proclaimed to the entire world so that everyone could receive the gifts of the Spirit.

This page clarifies some essential points of faith.)

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