Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Judgment And The Coming Of CHRIST

 "Brothers and sisters, let us speak about the coming of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, and our gathering to meet HIM.  Do not be easily unsettled.  Do not be alarmed by what a prophet says, or by any report, or by some letter said to be ours, saying, the day of the LORD is at hand." - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 

(What happens in Thessalonica is what frequently occurs in a persecuted community: people tend to withdraw from real life.  There are rumors that the LORD's coming is imminent and hope verges on hysteria.  This is why Paul reminds them of certain truths, some of which are not new, for the Old Testament had more than once spoken of crises that would precede the Judgment.  We cannot take as literally true all that the prophets have said on this subject, for they spoke with images proper to their time.  They did agree in announcing difficult times for believers and almost a triumph, to begin with, for GOD's enemies.  JESUS did not disagree.)


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