Tuesday, October 04, 2022

"He, Who Once Persecuted Us, Is Now Preaching The Faith He Tried To Uproot."

 "You have heard of my previous activity in the Jewish community; I furiously persecuted the Church of GOD and tried to destroy it.  For I was more devoted to the Jewish religion than many fellow Jews of my age, and I defended the traditions of my ancestors more fanatically.

But one day, GOD called me, out of HIS great love, HE, who had chosen me from my mother's womb; and HE was pleased to reveal, in me, HIS Son, that I might make HIM known among the pagan nations.  Then, I did not seek human advice, nor did I go up to Jerusalem, to those who were apostles before me.  I immediately went to Arabia, and from there, I returned, again, to Damascus.  Later, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to meet Cephas, and I stayed with him for fifteen days.  But I did not see any other apostle except James, the LORD's brother.  On writing this to you, I affirm before GOD that I am not lying.

After that, I went to Syria and Cilicia.  The churches of CHRIST in Judea did not know me personally; they had only heard of me: "He, who once persecuted us, is now preaching the faith he tried to uproot."  And they praised GOD because of me." - Galatians 1:13-24 

(To reveal in me HIS Son.  Paul has not only "seen" CHRIST, but he also discovered HIM intimately present in himself.  The risen CHRIST, Word and Wisdom of GOD, gave him in a unique illumination all the truth of faith [not all the truths which are only partial aspects which we may discover in different stages of life].

The case of Paul, whom CHRIST called directly, is special.  Yet we see that Paul did not impose himself on the Church.  CHRIST sent him to ask Ananias for baptism.  Later he saw "Cephas" [the Aramean name for Peter], recognized head of the Church, and James, responsible for the Church of Jerusalem.  This "union" or "communion" is indispensable for acting in the name of the Church.)


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