Sunday, October 23, 2022

The LORD Is Judge And Shows No Partiality

 "The LORD is judge and shows no partiality.  HE will not disadvantage the poor, HE who hears the prayer of the oppressed.  HE does not disdain the plea of the orphan, nor the complaint of the widow.

The one who serves GOD wholeheartedly will be heard; his petition will reach the clouds.  The prayer of the humble person pierces the clouds, and he is not consoled until he has been heard.  His prayer will not cease until the Most High has looked down, until justice has been done in favor of the righteous." - Sirach 35:1`2-14. 16-18 

(We must generously assist in the cost of worship as long as it is not a way of forgetting our responsibilities concerning injustice in our world.  The LORD is pleased with our sacrifices but, above all, HE hears the prayer of the orphan and sees the tears of the widow.)   


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