Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Fate Of The Deceitful

 "Why boast of your wickedness, strong man?  Why boast all day long, that you are plotting crimes?
Your tongue is like a sharp razor; you love evil more than good, and falsehood more than truth.  You love words that inflict harm, O you deceitful tongue!
But GOD will bring you down forever; HE will snatch you; tear you away from your tent; HE will uproot you from the land of the living.
The good will know fear at the sight; they will say, concerning his fate:
'See the one who would not rely on GOD, but trusted in riches, and drew strength from wickedness.'"
- Psalm 52:3-9

(It is rare and somewhat unsettling, to find a psalmist denouncing an individual.  It is an embarrassment for public worship.  The only solution would seem to be to sing the psalm, as it were against oneself.  It is true that no word of GOD can be idle, but this does not mean to say that it speaks immediately to us.  It was enough for the psalmist to condemn the liar.  We have learnt to condemn only the lie.)

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