Monday, August 30, 2021

The Day Of The LORD Will Come Like A Thief In The Night

 "You do not need anyone to write to you about the delay, and the appointed time for these events.  You know, that the day of the LORD will come like a thief in the night.  When people feel secure, and at peace, the disaster will suddenly come upon them, as the birth pangs of a woman in labor, and they will not escape.

But you, beloved, are not in darkness; so that day will not surprise you like a thief.  All of you are citizens of the light and the day; we do not belong to night and darkness.  Let us not, therefore, sleep as others do, but remain alert and sober.

For GOD has not willed us to be condemned, but to win salvation, through CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.  HE died for us, so that, we might enter into life, with HIM, whether we are still awake or already asleep.  Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, as you are doing now." - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. 9-11 

 (The Day of the LORD will come like a thief in the night: but believers are people of the light.  These words are rich in meaning.  Those who follow their evil desires are people of darkness, hiding to do evil.  While children of the light are beyond reproach, transparent before GOD and with nothing to hide from HIM.  The unbeliever sleeps and is off-guard while the believer keeps watch and stays awake: he likes to pray all night long until dawn as if waiting for the day to welcome CHRIST.  As for those who have died, they are not dead: they are only "asleep," ready to rise when the LORD comes.

Encourage one another and build up one another.  In this the Church is seen as the true community needed by believers so they can grow in faith and overcome trials.  In every difficulty, the help of the community will be the proof that we are surrounded by the love of GOD and of CHRIST, as was said in the first line of the letter.)


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