Thursday, August 26, 2021

A Call To A Life Of Purity And Work

 "For the rest, brothers, we ask you, in the name of JESUS, the LORD, and we urge you, to live in a way that pleases GOD, just as you have learned from us.  This you do, but try to do still more.  You know the instructions we gave you on behalf of the LORD JESUS: the will of GOD for you is to become holy and not to have unlawful sex.

Let each of you behave toward his wife as holy and respectful husband, rather than being led by lust, as are pagans, who do not know GOD.  In this matter, let no one offend or wrong a brother.  The LORD will do justice in all things, as we have warned and shown you.  GOD has called us to live, not in impurity but in holiness, and those who do not heed this instruction disobey, not a human, but GOD, HIMSELF, who gives you HIS Holy Spirit." - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 

(If we have given ourselves to CHRIST, that should surely make our life different from what we lived before.  The Jews who accepted baptism had a solid moral basis in the laws of the Old Testament.  On the other hand, the pagans had only the moral laws observed in their society.  Chastity, among others, was completely foreign to them.  They considered occasional sexual relationships a necessity of nature, having nothing to do with moral values.

Paul reacts strongly: The will of GOD for you is to become holy and not to have unlawful sex.  Facing what humans consider demands of nature, are other demands due simply to the fact that GOD has called us and put us on the path to divinization [Paul says: sanctification].  Paul will take up the same argument in other words in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.  Here in verses 4-8, Paul is certainly thinking of adultery and relationships with prostitutes.  If he were living in our social context, he would surely include sexual freedom among youth.)


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