Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Pilgrimage Song

 "Blessed are you who fear YAHWEH
and walk in HIS ways.
You will eat the fruit of your toil;
you will be blessed and favored.

Your wife, like a vine,
will bear fruits in your home;
your children, like olive shoots,
will stand around your table.

Such are the blessings bestowed
upon the man who fears YAHWEH.

May YAHWEH praise you from Zion.
May you see Jerusalem prosperous
all the days of your life."
- Psalm 128:1-2. 3. 4-5

(With sound instinct, it asks GOD, for a Jerusalem of GOD-fearing, happy homes.  Men and women have their own part in building it--our psalm complements its predecessor's emphasis upon GOD's prevailing work.  But what is Jerusalem to us?  The new Jerusalem for which we pray is 'the Church of the firstborn' [Hebrews 12:23].  In her, the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled and its prayers made sublime: it is around 'the table of the LORD that the Spouse of CHRIST seats her ever-growing family [1 Corinthians 10:21; Ephesians 5:32].  Pray GOD for the happiness and peace of HIS family.)

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