Sunday, September 23, 2018

You Pray With The Wrong Motive

"Wherever there is jealousy and ambition, you will also find discord, and all that is evil.  Instead, the wisdom that comes from above is pure and peace-loving.  Persons with this wisdom show understanding, and listen to advice; they are full of compassion and good works; they are impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers, who sow peace, reap a harvest of justice.
What causes these fights and quarrels among you?  Is it not your cravings, that make war within your own selves?  When you long for something you cannot have, you kill for it, and when you do not get what you desire, you squabble and fight.  The fact is, you do not have what you want, because you do not pray for it.  You pray for something, and you do not get it, because you pray with the wrong motive, of indulging your pleasures.  You adulterers!  Don't you know, that making friends with the world makes you enemies of GOD?  Therefore, whoever chooses to be the world's friend becomes GOD's enemy." - James 3:16-4:3 

(You pray with the wrong motive.  James tells us that prayer obtains for us things that enable us to respond to GOD's plan.  Our prayers will not be heard if love for the world takes place of GOD in our hearts.)


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