Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Not One Of Those The FATHER Gave HIM Has Been Lost

"At this time, JESUS went out into the hills to pray, spending the whole night in prayer with GOD.  When day came, HE called HIS disciples to HIM, and chose Twelve of them, whom HE called 'apostles': Simon, whom HE named Peter, and his brother Andrew; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; Matthew and Thomas; James son of Alpheus and Simon called the Zealot; Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who would be the traitor.
Coming down the hill with them, JESUS stood in an open plain.  Many of HIS disciples were there, and a large crowd of people, who had come from all parts of Judea and Jerusalem, and from the coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon.  They gathered to hear HIM and to be healed of their diseases.  And people troubled by unclean spirits were cured.  The entire crowd tried to touch HIM, because of the power that went out from HIM and healed them all." - Luke 6:12-19 
The Twelve
(JESUS keeps those whom HE loves the most in HIS prayer.  The success of HIS mission will depend upon them; other people's faith will rest on them.  JESUS does not want their call to be HIS own will: before calling them, HE wants to be certain that HE is doing the FATHER's will [Hebrews 5:8].  For the simple reason that CHRIST chose them and entrusted HIS Church to them, they will be tested in a thousand ways [Luke 22:31].  Therefore JESUS wants to safeguard them through the power of HIS prayer [John 17:9].  The day before HIS death HE will have the consolation that not one of those the FATHER gave HIM has been lost [John 17:12].)


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