Friday, December 16, 2016

The Testimony

Hi! and happy TGIF to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Friday:

THE GOOD NEWS (16 December 2016)
"John also bore witness to the truth when you sent messengers to him, but I do not seek such human testimony; I recall this for you, so that you may be saved.
John was a burning and shining lamp, and for a while you were willing to enjoy his light.  But I have greater evidence than that of John - the works which the FATHER entrusted to ME to carry out.  The very works I do bear witness: the FATHER has sent ME. - John 5:33-36 

(To gain a direction in life, we need some understanding of the world and humankind.  This understanding may come through reason and science, but more often we are influenced and guided by the testimony of others - by their words, attitudes and personal qualities.

It is thus that those in love discover one another, friends accept each other, a career is decided upon, a religious or political commitment is made.  It is also thus that the Word of GOD is discovered.  Therefore, JESUS speaks of the testimonies that accredit HIM:
- HIS works, that is, HIS miracles.
- John the Baptist's testimony in pointing HIM out as the Savior.
- the words of the Bible that refer to HIM.)

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