Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Sword That Will Pierce Mary's Soul!

Hello! and happy good Thursday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (29 December 2016)
"Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, HIS mother, 'See HIM; HE will be for the rise or fall of the multitudes of Israel.  HE shall stand as a sign of contradiction, while a sword will pierce your own soul.  Then the secret thoughts of many may be brought to light." - Luke 2:34-35 
Simeoon And Baby JESUS
(What is the meaning of the sword that will pierce Mary's soul?  It indicates Mary's grief upon seeing her Son die on the cross.  It also signifies that Mary will suffer because she will not always understand what her Son does.  The best-shared love will not prevent each from remaining a mystery to the other, and more so for GOD than for anyone else.  GOD does not watch our fidelity from heaven, but rather seeks us [HE tries us in the sense of asking us to reveal ourselves].  The love of the FATHER will be Mary's cross just as it would be for JESUS.

CHRIST is GOD's light which enlightens people, but which also blinds and confuses them at times.  HE is a sign that is opposed, but this is a mystery - those who oppose HIM are not always the worst.  There are some people who believe in CHRIST, but do not follow HIM.  Unable to see HIS light they do not know that it condemns them.  There are good people who do not believe because GOD wills that they seek the light their whole life long.)
Mary At The Foot Of Her Son, JESUS CHRIST,
Dying On The Cross

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