Wednesday, December 07, 2016

The Great GOD

Hello! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (07 December 2016)

"To whom, then, will you liken ME
or make ME equal? says the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes and see:
who has created all this?
HE has ordered them as a starry host
and called them each by name.
So mighty is HIS power,
so great HIS strength,
that not one of them is missing.

How can you say, O Jacob,
how can you complain, O Israel,
that your destiny is hidden from ME,
that your rights are ignored by YAHWEH?
Have you not known, have you not heard
that YAHWEH is an everlasting GOD,
the Creator of the ends of the earth?
HE does not grow tired or weary,
HIS knowledge is without limit.

HE gives strength to the enfeebled,
HE gives vigor to the wearied.
Youth may grow tired and faint,
young men will stumble and fall,
but those who hope in YAHWEH
will renew their strength.
They will soar as with eagle's wings;
they will run and not grow weary;
they will walk and never tire."
- Isaiah 40:25-31

The Everlasting GOD

(Here the prophet begins by evoking the extent and the mystery of creation: the universe we perceive on a starry night.  He goes on to say that this GOD-Creator is active in events and gives life to the one who believes.)

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