Tuesday, December 13, 2016

GOD In The Midst Of The Meek

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.   Our "food for the soul" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (13 November 2016)
"On that day you will no longer be ashamed of all your deeds when you were unfaithful to ME; I will have removed from your midst the conceited and arrogant and MY holy mountain will no longer be for you a pretext for boasting.
I will leave within you a poor and meek people who seek refuge in GOD.  The remnant of Israel will not act unjustly nor will they speak falsely, nor will deceitful words be found in their mouths.  They will eat and rest with none to threaten them." - Zephaniah 3:11-13

(This is the first vision of GOD's people, a poor and meek people.

The destruction on the Day of YAHWEH has left a Remnant in Zion.  This is the first time that those who wait for GOD are called poor.  It is not merely a question of being economically poor, but rather of having the attitude of those who have nothing and are open to receive everything from GOD.  The word poverty formerly implied failure; now it will be the condition needed to seek GOD.   After that time, the "poor of YAHWEH" will mean all those in Israel who hope to find YAHWEH.  The Gospel, especially the Gospel of Luke, will proclaim the happiness of the poor [see Luke 6:20].

YAHWEH will be in Jerusalem to share HIS happiness with them.  The Holy GOD suddenly shows that HE is like a young man in love who is not concerned about social considerations.)

The Poor And Meek People Of Israel


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