Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Truly, You Will Be With ME Today In Paradise."

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (20 November 2016)
"The people stood by watching.  As for the rulers, they jeered at HIM, saying to one another, 'Let the man who saved others now save HIMSELF, for HE is the Messiah, the chosen one of GOD!'
The soldiers also mocked HIM and when they drew near to offer HIM bitter wine, they said, 'So YOU are the king of the Jews?  Free YOURSELF!'  For above HIM was an inscription which read, 'This is the King of the Jews.'
One of the criminals hanging with JESUS insulted HIM, 'So YOU are the Messiah?  Save YOURSELF and us as well!'  But the other rebuked him, saying, 'Have you no fear of GOD, you who received the same sentence as HE did?  For us it is just: this is payment for what we have done.  But this man has done nothing wrong.'  And he said, 'JESUS, remember me when YOU come into YOUR kingdom.'  JESUS replied, 'Truly, you will be with ME today in paradise.'" - Luke 23:35-43 
JESUS CHRIST With The Two Thieves
(The leaders of the Jews have put JESUS where HE belongs, since HE decided to take our sins upon HIMSELF.  The two men look at the one who has come to share their destiny.

You will be in paradise.  What is paradise?  We lack adequate words to express what lies beyond.  In JESUS' time, the Jews used to compare the Place of the Dead to a huge country divided up into regions separated by insurmountable barriers.  Hell was one of the regions, it was reserved for the wicked, from there no one could escape.  Another region was Paradise where the good people would be with the first ancestors of holy people, awaiting the moment of resurrection.

You will be with ME, says JESUS, that is with the Savior, who for a day and a half was in the peace and joy of GOD, before the resurrection.  This statement puts us at ease as to our own destiny at death, although we cannot know what will become of us before the Resurrection.  We will not be anesthetized nor will we cease to exist, as some claim, but we will rather possess everything, being with JESUS who came to share death and HIS brothers' and sisters' rest [see Philippians 1:23 and Revelation 14:13].)

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