Saturday, November 12, 2016

Making Ourselves Their Cooperators In The Work Of The Truth

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (12 November 2016)
"Beloved, you do well to care for the brothers and sisters as you do.  I mean those coming from other places.  They spoke of your charity before the assembled Church.  It will be well to provide them with what they need to continue their journey, as if you did it for GOD.  In reality, they have set out on the road for HIS name without accepting anything from the pagans.  We should receive such persons, making ourselves their cooperators in the work of the truth." - 3 John 5-8 

(To the Christians who knew him, the apostle John was not "Saint John," but a man.  For a certain Diotrephes, to whom John gave the responsibility of a community that we do not know, John was a bothersome old man.  In order to better dominate his church, Diotrephes was cutting off the relationship.

John, however, in his three letters, as in the Gospel, speaks of the "communion" which must exist among Christians.  Any church or group must remain open to others, maintaining constant contact with them.  Paul also insists on this responsibility: to welcome in their homes all Christians coming from other places in order to strengthen the bonds of the common faith.)


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