Tuesday, November 15, 2016

LORD, Who Shall Dwell In YOUR Tent?

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (15 November 2016)

"Those who walk blamelessly
and do what is right,
who speak truth from their heart
and control their words,
who do no harm to their neighbors
and cast no discredit on their companions,

who look down on evildoers
but highly esteem GOD's servants;
who at all cost stand by a pledged word,
who do not lend money at interest
and refuse a bribe against the innocent.
Do this, and you will soon be shaken."
- Psalm 15:2-5  

(This psalm repeats in its own way the word of the prophet Hosea: "I prefer mercy to sacrifice."  To the question, who will dwell in YOUR tent? HE replies with a list of ten virtues of justice: service of GOD and justice are two facets of a same attitude.

May the LORD help us to follow HIS commandments.)

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