Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Seven Cups

Hello! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (23 November 2016)
"Then the sanctuary of the Tent of Divine Declarations was opened, and the seven angels bringing the seven plagues came out of the Sanctuary, clothed in pure and bright linen, with their waists girded with golden bells.  One of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden cups full of the wrath of GOD who lives for ever and ever.  Then the sanctuary was filled with smoke that wraps GOD's glory and power, so that no one could enter until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed." - Revelation 15:5-8 
The Seven Bowls Of Wrath

(Here we return to the awaited fall of Rome to see its  religious meaning in a more developed form.  The seven bowls combine images from the plagues of Egypt and various prophetic texts.

The Tent of Divine Declarations reminds us of the Tent [called: tent of meeting] that was Israel's sanctuary  in the desert.)


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