Hi! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS. Our first-thing-first this Sunday:
THE GOOD NEWS (31 July 2016)
"I, the teacher, have been king of Israel in Jerusalem. I set my heart on studying and examining critically all that is done under heaven.
It is a burdensome task which GOD has given to the sons of men! I have seen everything that is done under the sun, but all is meaningless: it is chasing the wind. What is bent cannot be straightened; what is not will not come to be.
I thought to myself, 'See, I have increased and promoted wisdom more than anyone who ruled Jerusalem before me and I have experienced to the full both wisdom and knowledge. I set my heart on comparing wisdom with foolishness and stupidity, and I discovered that this also is chasing the wind.
For the wiser you are, the more worries you have, and the more you learn, the more you suffer." - Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
(Under the sun: these words will come back as a refrain: humans toil and pass as a shadow while the sun remains. The sun is like an image of GOD who endures and who alone does things "with a view to eternity".
The wiser you are...The pioneers of science were sure that progress would free us from all evils. Our century has lost this assurance: development is not a road to easy life, one is slave to one's own brain and one's own knowledge, obliged to assume the consequences that become more formidable each day; although one does not know the way, one cannot stop.)