Sunday, June 05, 2016

The Son Of A Widow Restored To Life

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (05 June 2016)
"A little later JESUS went to a town called Naim and many of HIS disciples went with HIM - a great number of people.  As HE reached the gate of the town, a dead man was being carried out.  He was the only son of his mother and she was a widow; there followed a large crowd or townspeople.
On seeing her, the LORD had pity on her and said, 'Don't cry.'  Then HE came up and touched the stretcher and the men who carried it stopped.  JESUS then said, 'Young man, awake, I tell you.'  And the dead man got up and began to speak, and JESUS gave him to his mother.  A holy fear came over them all and they praised GOD saying, 'A great prophet has appeared among us; GOD has visited HIS people.'  This news spread out in the Jewish country and the surrounding places." - Luke 7:11-17 

(No one has ever attributed power over death to any person.  Only JESUS conquers death and HE does so very simply.

JESUS only knew this young man through his mother and it is for her that HE has restored him to life.  To be a widow without children is the height of distress [see Ruth], and it will be the lot of Mary.

The woman represents suffering humanity.  "You will suffer because of your children": this was said after the first sin.  Humanity cannot avoid accompanying the dead after depriving them of their reasons for living.  Humanity buries their young with tears, while continuing to kill them.)

Suffering Humanity Sculpture


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