Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I Seek Refuge In YOU, LORD

Hello! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Wednesday:
"How great is the goodness which YOU have stored for those who fear YOU, which YOU show, for all to see, to those who take refuge in YOU 
In the shelter of YOUR presence YOU hide them from human wiles; YOU keep them in YOUR dwelling, safe from the intrigues of wagging tongues.
Blessed be the LORD for HIS wonderful love!  HE has strengthened my heart. 
I said in my fright: 'I have been cut off from YOUR sight!'
Yet when I was crying, YOU heard; when I called for mercy, YOU listened.
Love the LORD, all you HIS saints!  The LORD preserves HIS faithful, but HE fully requites the arrogant." - Psalm 31:20-24 
(Luke attributes these words to JESUS on the cross.  A little further on we find other words.  "YOU are MY GOD," which are also in Psalm 22, and closely linked to the Passion.  It will be our last hope at the moment of death.

Into YOUR hands I commend MY spirit.

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