Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wonders Of Nature

 "Now I shall remind you of the works of the LORD and relate what I have seen.
The LORD's works depend on HIS word, and creation obeys HIS will.
The sun shines on everything and the work of the LORD is filled with HIS glory.
Not even to HIS holy ones has the LORD given full knowledge of all HIS marvelous works.
The LORD, Master of the universe, has ordained that all should stand firm in HIS glory.
HE penetrates both the depth of the abyss and the human heart and knows their secrets.
For the Most High has full knowledge and ordains the signs of the heavens.
HE knows the past and foretells the future and reveals the traces of the world's mysteries.
No thought escapes HIM, no word is hidden from HIM.
HE has ordered the marvelous works of HIS wisdom, from ever  and for ever.  Nothing can be added, nothing can be taken away and HE has no need of counsel.
All HIS works are beautiful, even to the smallest spark of light.
All this lives and endures forever: all is useful and obedient to HIS will.
All things are in pairs, one opposite the other, and nothing HE makes is in any way deficient.
One thing emphasizes the excellence of the other; who could ever weary of admiring HIS glory?"
- Sirach 42:15-25

(Modern civilization separates people from nature.  In their work, many people see fluorescent lights more often than they see the sun.  Many do not know either the silence or the sounds of nature, because noise has invaded everything.  However, as soon as we know something about science, we think we know the mysteries of the universe.  In our cities, it is increasingly more difficult for us to experience the mystery and the beauty of the universe.

GOD speaks to us through HIS creation as authentically as HE does in the words of CHRIST.  The languages are different, in the same sense that music tells us something in a way that is different from words.  Those who know how to see GOD in the universe are also able to discover HIM in great human achievements: dams, electronic computers, buildings, new materials, etc.  What emerges from human hands also belongs to GOD's creation.)

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